Have been busy making up this order for the last week and now have it finished and just waiting to be posted to its new owners. My orders are almost finished apart from a pencil roll and one which i am making for a lady who want it for a christmas presant to store make up brushes, ive not forgot you Angela and will be in touch with you soon. Also a bag for Katy at imaginger monkey. So last night sat down and made this tea cosy, although im not quite at 100 post yet.........

I liked it so much i have made another for a giveaway for my 100th post, (which im only a few of) Its for a four cup size tea pot, although mine is larger then that, i have got the cosy on but with a struggle so its just for show on mine.

So get leaving your comments

Not sure how i have managed to load this pic twice lol.
That is soooo cute. I really wish I could knit (it is on my to do list and has been for about 8 years!). You box of stuff was worth putting on twice - it looks gorgeous all bundled up together.
Cathy XX
So glad about your many orders--hooray! It's a great satisfaction, isn't it, seeing orders ready to go off on their merry way to new homes? LOVE the tea cozy, it's so sweet! Count me in on the giveaway...and happy almost 100! ((HUGS))
Sarah, that is adorable! I bet it has the ability to make tea drinkers out of those who aren't when they see it! Your box of pencil rolls and tissue holders look amazing all bundled up together!
OOHH,love the cupcake tea cozy!That is sooo gorgeous,did it take long to knit?
I am not a tea drinker, but that is very cute. Congrats on nearing the 100th post! The box of stuff looks lovely and colourful xx
me me me me me me me me me!!!!!!!!!! Now, I LIVE on tea, so really it should be mine ;)
Your order looks great all packed up and ready to go, it didn't take you long to get it done! There's no rush for my bag...it's for christmas after all! Have a rest and relax x
Hmmm, you've got me wondering what I'll do for my 100th post????!!! My grandmother always had tea cozies and I see they are popular again and I'm glad. It's little touches like these that make a house a home.
Groovy tea cosy - do you reckon it would fit on a baby's head too - a multitasking cosy!
Hi Sarah,
I had to leave a message when I saw the tea cozy. I kinda collect teapots,kinda among other things....
Love Mel......xxxx
Hi! I'd like to feature your cupcake teacozies on the handmade Parade blog for the holidays. Are you making them to sell for xmas in your etsy shop? Please email me at handmade_parade@yahoo.com!
Thankyou for leaving me a comment, i love your cupcake tea cozy and the boox of goodies, such pretty fabrics.
ooh too cute, count me in I'd never miss a chance to recieve one of your little lovelies.
Love the box of goodies, all those colours, are you sure there's not subliminal messages in there saying "come buy me"??
Angela xx
I see you knitted a cake there ... I've never knitted a cake. I must try sometime.
Been reading your blog for a while now - keep up the good work!
Oww yummy honey I love that tea cosy.
Count me in your give away hehe I just love feebies. And cupcake things.
Well done with your orders. All your items are so nice.
Catherine x
lovely tea cosy, great colour pink : )
its lovely!
Oh, such cute teacosys.
Count me in please, I would love one.
Racheal x
Love the tea cosy - the pink one looks like a great big BOOB !
speaking of cute things I really love your tea cozy...very yummy...you will be added to my favs too!
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